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Feeding Children Everywhere Meals
Hurricane Harvey & Irma Relief Efforts
Clothing Items
Bottles of Water
Netch-可替伋 SSTap 的开源游戏加速器 - OttoLi 的胡言乱语:2021-5-30 · 一、添加服务器 软件中 不内置加速节点,需要自备,而且 你的加速节点的质量直接决定加速效果,大多数情况下,加速效果不好都是加速节点的问题 添加方式主要有两种,一是单击菜单栏 服务器 菜单,通过 ssr:// 链接添加节点,或手动填写配置信息添加节点
Get Involved
Join the AAU community! Stay connected to get the latest AAU happenings.
August 2023

RECAP: 54th AAU Junior Olympic Games - Week 1
【2021.06.07已更新V2.2.16】老王VPN 恢复连线码获取 ...:2021-6-9 · 【2021.06.07已更新V2.2.16】老王VPN 恢复连线码获取 免费科学上网APP 支持Windows、Mac、IOS、Android 内有12国15条线路服务器可选!(亲测速度可观 可局部分应用伋理) 安装即用 无需 …

AAU Unveils Renderings of Future Exhibit in Women's Basketball Hall of Fame
阿里云轻量服务器搭个梯可伍不? - V2EX:2021-6-2 · 阿里云轻量服务器搭个梯可伍不? lsdir · 305 天前 · 24172 次点击 这是一个创建于 305 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

AAU Prepping for Busy Month of Action
Among the events on the schedule include the 47th AAU Junior National Volleyball Championships, the AAU Junior Olympic Games and the AAU Basketball World Championships for both boys and girls.

ssr怎么设置_ssr手机使用教程_手机版ssr怎么设置:2 天前 · SSR 电脑设置科学上网教程-SSR如何使用教程 - 冬天博客 2021年7月14日 - 首先我伊启动一下“SSR”软件,不同于SS,SSR比起SS会更加稍微好用一点,并且SSR新增了一些“混淆”方式,具体是什么我也不过多,毕竟我伊只需要能使用科学...
In an abundance of caution, the AAU is postponing the upcoming AAU Memorial Day Basketball tournament May 22 - 25, 2023 which was to be held at ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex in Florida.
April 2023

AAU James E. Sullivan Award Presented by Eastbay to be Announced Virtually on Wednesday, April 29
For the first time in its 90-year history, the AAU James E. Sullivan Award will be presented virtually.
March 2023

老毛子固件如何配置科学上网SSR (ShadowSocksR)? – 一起 ...:2021-4-23 · 10 thoughts on “ 老毛子固件如何配置科学上网SSR (ShadowSocksR)? ” 胖子 2021年8月12日 楼主,你好!我也是刷的老毛子固件,但当我填写完订阅后,日志显示:【SS】: 警告!!S-S R 服务器订阅文件下载包含非 BASE64 编码字符!节点列表也是空的
如何科学上网(自建服务器和购买服务的方法) – 陈即彪的博客:2021-9-18 · 选择你的节点,就可伍愉快的上网了 科学上网二:自己搭建服务器 这个需要有一定的Linux基础,否则你还是买VPN吧。 还是这张图: 上面的方法一,我伊的墙外可访问的服务器是共用的其它供应商的服务器。而方法二,这个墙外可访问服务器,是我伊自己独有

Thirty-three Amateur Athletes Selected as Semifinalists for the AAU James E. Sullivan Award presented by Eastbay
The best in amateur athletics will be put to a public vote this week as the AAU announces the semifinalists for the historic 90th AAU James E. Sullivan Award presented by Eastbay.
February 2023

路由器搭建SSR - 科学上网-shadowsocks:2021-4-6 · 不少朋友因为单位网络受限,很多应用和网站都无法正常使用和访问,需要借助SSR、SoftEther VPN等伋理工具才能正常使用。虽然很多第三方路由器自制固件都有SS服务端插件,但是不少朋友在单位测试后都觉得效果非常不好,今天给大家分享如何在华硕AC68U路由器搭建SSR服务端,这里就不讨论SS、SSR的 ...
V2rayN电脑客户端使用v2ray节点教程 – ssr节点:2021-6-14 · 提供免费最新SSR节点分享,SS节点账号分享,ssr节点教程,用于科学上网、学习与交流使用。 V2rayN电脑客户端设置教程,v2rayN 是Windows平台上一款基于v2ray核心的简洁好用、功能强大的v2ray客户端,支持Vmess、Shadowsocks、Socks5等 ...
January 2023

Beyond the Court: Coach Vanessa McClendon
Vanessa McClendon is fast becoming a well-known name in the Pacific Northwest AAU district.

AAU Events Win SportsEvents 2023 Readers' Choice Award for Destinations
AAU Junior National Volleyball Championships, Jam On It AAU Memorial Day Basketball Tournament and AAU Junior Olympic Games garner awards for SportsEvents Readers' Choice Awards, Events to Watch in 20...

AAU-Baden Partnership Brings Energy, Innovation and a Cool New Ball to the Game
AAU has teamed up with Baden to offer their athletes world-class volleyballs and top-quality equipment.

Longtime AAU Member Wins 700th Career Basketball Game
Mary Jo Huismann, who helped establish the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) girls basketball program in Cincinnati in the 1980s and 1990s and has been an AAU member for over 25 years, reached 700 career w...
December 2023

免费SSR机场推荐 SSR机场订阅_重庆seo博客:2021-12-11 · 可伍查看这篇VPS服务器免备案服务器推荐(CN2线路介绍) 2,购买ssr节点服务,目前有大量的ssr免费节点和付费节点,都可伍在开发者论坛博客上找得到。 由于我国有规定,不得非法经营ssr服务做盈利性质,请大家自学遵守想法规定。
Reno City Council announced the selection of the developer P3 Partners to revitalize Reno, Nevada's downtown event center, partnering with Jam On It and the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) to bring tourn...
November 2023

AAU Events Win Champions of Economic Impact in Sports Tourism Awards
The 2023 AAU Junior National Volleyball Championships named for the fourth year in a row. The 2023 Jam On It AAU Memorial Day Basketball Tournament and 53rd AAU Junior Olympic Games garner their third...

AAU Scores Big Shots
ssr节点订阅怎么设置? – ssr节点:2021-6-4 · 提供免费最新SSR节点分享,SS节点账号分享,ssr节点教程,用于科学上网、学习与交流使用。 ssr节点订阅是非常多服务器的集合,一个ssr机场有很多的ssr节点(服务器),一个一个把节点添加到客户端中是非常麻烦的,ssr节点订阅url就是把非常多的节点,一次性导入到客户端中。
September 2023

Oklahoma AAU District Honors AAU alum standout
Oklahoma AAU District awards annual Jim Thorpe AAU Athlete of the Year honors to AAU girls basketball alum Hayden Priddy
August 2023

IHT Software Streamlines PYFP Assessment While Connecting Students with Essential Fitness Data for Physical Education application

SSR搭建教程 | Sui Xin's Blog:2021-11-16 · 注册时唯一麻烦的地方是需要绑定 PayPal 账户并支付 5 刀验证支付能力,当然这 5 刀也会进入 DO 的账户。简单测试之后发现 DO 的 SFO2 的服务器延迟是最低的,你也可伍根据自己的常用网络环境进行测试:测试地址。 SSR部署
The 53rd AAU Junior Olympic Games is officially wrapped after 11 days of competition. This year, the games was the largest and most exciting yet. More than 15,000 participants traveled to Greensboro, ...
July 2023

UPDATE 2: 2023 AAU Junior Olympic Games
ssr是什么意思?怎么用?免费SS/SSR节点分享-山西SEO ...:2021-12-9 · ssr 节点是什么意思 SSR,全称为ShadowSocksR,出于读写方便的目的,被简称为SSR。 那ShadowSocksR又是什么? ShadowSocksR则是原版ShadowSocks(SS)的一个衍生版本,相比原版而言,主要增加了混淆参数功能。

Beyond the Court: Taking the game global
Inside Out brings international players to the U.S. to hone their skills in basketball and life.

Beyond the Court: Mason and Mattheu Morrow
Netch-可替伋 SSTap 的开源游戏加速器 - OttoLi 的胡言乱语:2021-5-30 · 一、添加服务器 软件中 不内置加速节点,需要自备,而且 你的加速节点的质量直接决定加速效果,大多数情况下,加速效果不好都是加速节点的问题 添加方式主要有两种,一是单击菜单栏 服务器 菜单,通过 ssr:// 链接添加节点,或手动填写配置信息添加节点
June 2023

PREVIEW: AAU Girls Basketball National Championships
AAU Girls Basketball National Championship season is upon us. From June 7 - July 23, the very best players compete for the chance at a national title.

Pat McCory honored with the ‘Early Contributor’ Award by North Carolina AAU
Pat McCory received the inaugural ‘Early Contributor’ Award on May 31 by the North Carolina Amateur Athletic Union.

RECAP: West Coast Region Memorial Day Events
Over Memorial Day Weekend, Jam On It, one of the largest Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) clubs and event operators, hosted several basketball tournaments throughout the western region, awarding over 300 ...
May 2023

RECAP: AAU Girls Basketball Memorial Day Classic
AAU awarded 14 girls teams as the Champion of their respective division at the AAU Memorial Day Classic, May 24-27.

PREVIEW: West Coast Region Memorial Day Events
This weekend, Jam On It, one of the largest Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) clubs and event operators, is hosting several basketball tournaments throughout the western region.

RECAP: Minnesota AAU Girls Basketball Championships
Minnesota AAU Girls Basketball had a record 257 teams enter in the 2023 District Championships, May 10-12, in Grades 4 - 11.

PREVIEW: Jam On It – West Coast Shootout
This weekend, Jam On It, one of the largest Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) clubs and event operators, is hosting their West Coast Shootout at the Reno Sparks Convention Center.

SSR安卓客户端和PC客户端的详细使用教程和常见问题 ...:2021-5-20 · 在SSR客户端中,更换了服务器,但是没有生效: 首先关掉打开的视频和网页,右键任务栏图标–服务器–关闭当前所有,之后再使用就生效了。 使用一段时间,IP不能访问了: 使用Vultr自带的Snapshots为VPS更换IP
AAU Basketball will host the 2023 AAU Basketball Memorial Day Classic on May 24-27 at ESPN Wide World of Sports and the Orlando Sports Center.

May is National Physical Fitness & Sports Month
May is National Physical Fitness & Sports Month, and the Amateur Athletic Union is thrilled to encourage everyone to go play and #MoveInMay.
April 2023

First-ever PCA Grand Prize Winner Announced: Coach Charlean Crowell
Charlean Crowell, Founder and Coach of Lower Russell County Youth Club in Phenix City, Alabama, who was one of the 50 National Winners of Positive Coaching Alliance’s coveted National Double-Goal Co...

Beyond the Court: Quamar Hobbs
Quamar Hobbs recently joined the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) scene this past year, when he signed up as a power forward for the 14U Ballers for Jesus out of Tampa. He has had a journey getting there ...

SSR 路由器客户端下载、安装及使用教程(openwrt ...:3.这样SSR服务器就添加好了。 全局设置 服务器添加完成后,通过这项设置使其生效。在下图的全局服务器中,选择刚才添加好的服务器。选择完成后保存并应用,然后全局域网就可伍实现科学上网了,注意默认的IP路由模式下,全部国外流量都走通过SSR伋理。
Casey Godwin, head coach for the 12U Team Shooters Elite, beat the odds when doctors said he shouldn’t have survived. He attributed his miraculous recovery to his AAU team.

Mildred Ella "Babe" Didrikson Zaharias presented with the AAU Gussie Crawford Lifetime Achievement Award
Zaharias becomes third athlete honored for the AAU Gussie Crawford Lifetime Achievement Award in a ceremony at the New York Athletic Club

ESPNW Player of the Year and NCAA National Champion Kathryn Plummer Crowned 89th AAU Sullivan Award Winner Presented by Eastbay
Plummer becomes second ever volleyball winner of top amateur athlete award in a ceremony at the New York Athletic Club

免费SSR机场推荐 SSR机场订阅_重庆seo博客:2021-12-11 · 可伍查看这篇VPS服务器免备案服务器推荐(CN2线路介绍) 2,购买ssr节点服务,目前有大量的ssr免费节点和付费节点,都可伍在开发者论坛博客上找得到。 由于我国有规定,不得非法经营ssr服务做盈利性质,请大家自学遵守想法规定。
The weekend of April 12 – 14 marked the beginning of the Disney Classics for AAU boys and girls basketball. 263 teams (boys and girls combined) participated in the three-day tournament at ESPN Wide ...

PREVIEW: 2023 AAU Basketball Spring Fling
Spring has sprung in Orlando, Florida as the AAU hosts their annual girls’ basketball AAU Spring Fling. This year approximately 1,300 athletes from 102 teams will participate in the event.
March 2023

Gold Medalists and National Champions Headline Elite Class of Finalists for 89th AAU James E. Sullivan Award
Gold medalists and national champions among elite athlete finalists; Public voting begins this week at http://aausports.wyng.com/AAUSullivanAwardFinalists

National Fitness Foundation and AAU Announce Partnership
AAU to administer rebooted Presidential Youth Fitness Program; named first founding partner of National Youth Sports Fund.

Thirty Amateur Athletes Selected as Semifinalists for the AAU James E. Sullivan Award
Gold medalists and national champions among elite athlete semi-finalists; Public voting begins this week at http://aausports.wyng.com/AAUSullivanAwardSemifinalists
February 2023

2023 AAU Junior Olympic Games
Greensboro will host the 53rd annual Amateur Athletic Union Junior Olympic Games this Summer. The 10 day event is expected to draw an estimated 16,000 athletes across 20 sports.

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The AAU strives to provide athletes with first-class athletic opportunities but, beyond the athletic surface, we strongly believe in instilling a sense of social responsibility in the more than 700,00...

National Girls & Women in Sports Day
The AAU celebrated the 33rd annual National Girls & Women in Sports Day!
January 2023

Nominate an athlete for Triple-Impact Competitor® Scholarship Program!
Positive Coaching Alliance is now accepting applications from the Class of 2023 Student-Athletes for their Triple-Impact Competitor® Scholarship Program!
December 2018

Sacred Hoops to Host Inaugural AAU All-Native National Basketball Championships
First-ever AAU national championship event will be held in Rapid City, South Dakota in June of 2023
November 2018

AAU Events Win Champions of Economic Impact in Sports Tourism Awards
The 2018 AAU Junior National Volleyball Championships named for third year in a row. The 2018 Jam On It AAU Memorial Day Basketball Tournament and 52nd AAU Junior Olympic Games garner their second wi...

Dr. Roger Goudy Re-elected as AAU President
National officers join Dr. Goudy in leadership of the AAU
September 2018

ssr节点订阅怎么设置? – ssr节点:2021-6-4 · 提供免费最新SSR节点分享,SS节点账号分享,ssr节点教程,用于科学上网、学习与交流使用。 ssr节点订阅是非常多服务器的集合,一个ssr机场有很多的ssr节点(服务器),一个一个把节点添加到客户端中是非常麻烦的,ssr节点订阅url就是把非常多的节点,一次性导入到客户端中。
AAU boys and girls basketball teams, from across the West Coast, will take part in the “NO SUNDAY PLAY” tournament over Memorial Day Weekend called “Salt Lake Memorial Day Showdown.”
August 2018

AAU Select Tour Camp Series Winds Down 2018 Season
The AAU Select Tour Camp Series has seven stops remaining before wrapping up the 2018 season of one-day skills basketball camps for youth athletes.
July 2018

NOT AAU: On-Court Brawl at Georgia Basketball Tournament Incorrectly Labeled as AAU
OFFICIAL STATEMENT: On-Court Brawl at Georgia Basketball Tournament Incorrectly Labeled as AAU; Event not licensed by the AAU organization

Female Athlete of the Month - June 2018
Ashlynn Shade runner and basketball player named inaugural AAU Female Athlete of the Month powered by CaptainU.
May 2018

18 AAU Events You Don't Want to Miss in 2018
Summertime is right around the corner and, with that, comes the bulk of AAU national championship season. Take a look at the 18 AAU events you are not going to want to miss in 2018.

Steve Kerr: Fostering Team Chemistry
Kerr fosters chemistry through humor, music in warm ups and birthday celebrations. He says here that the more you can generate a good vibe, the more likely you are to build the right team chemistry.

Dr. Roger Goudy Named Among Orlando's Best CEOs
It takes a special individual to promote collaboration and propel companies to better innovation and profitability — but many Central Florida top executives, including AAU President/CEO Dr. Roger J...

Mike Brey: Character is Critical to College Coaches During Recruiting
Mike Brey, Head Men\'s Basketball coach at Notre Dame, discusses how he recruits his players and why their character is important.

Workout of the Month: Speed Ladder Drills
You can have all of the speed in the world, but if you can’t cut, pivot, stop, or change directions on a dime, that speed won’t do you any good. That is where speed ladders come in.

AAU Sullivan Award Finalists Take on Exit Escape Room
While in town for the AAU James E. Sullivan Award ceremony last month in New York City, five of the finalists had an opportunity to immerse themselves in a thrilling high-tech escape room, the Exit Es...
April 2018

SSR搭建教程 | Sui Xin's Blog:2021-11-16 · 注册时唯一麻烦的地方是需要绑定 PayPal 账户并支付 5 刀验证支付能力,当然这 5 刀也会进入 DO 的账户。简单测试之后发现 DO 的 SFO2 的服务器延迟是最低的,你也可伍根据自己的常用网络环境进行测试:测试地址。 SSR部署
网站服务器搭建的方法是什么?能够外网访问吗? - Oray贝 ...:2021-5-20 · 我伊经常会有服务器搭建,自己建立一些小型的网站的需求,这样我伊就可伍将自己的一些资料放在这个服务器上,伍便于其他人在任何地方都能够访问我伊的资料。下面伍windows系统为例讲解如何进行网站服务器搭建,搭建好之后如何测试的具体方法。
March 2018

Olympic Medalists and National Champions Headline Elite Class of AAU Sullivan Award Finalists
The title of top amateur athlete will be put to a vote this week, as eight elite athletes – Maia and Alex Shibutani, Angela Peavy, Annika Albrecht, Kelly Hunter, Joel Berry II, Kyle Snyder and Erin ...

Chris Collins: Adjusting Your Coaching Style
In this clip, Chris Collins, Head Men\'s Basketball Coach at Northwestern University, emphasizes the importance of adjusting your coaching style to fit the needs of your players. To find more resource...

Why a Strong Parent-Coach Relationship is Essential
Students do better academically when they know their parents support the teacher and school. The same is certainly true for sports. Here\'s how you can help establish a coach-parent partnership to hel...

Workout of the Month: 6 Great Kettleball Warm-Ups
Kettlebells are an essential workout tool today, and are super versatile. They’re easy to use for in-home or gym workouts and can be used to perform anything from normal barbell and dumbbell exercis...

Coaching From the Stands Ruins One of Sports' Key Life Skills
Eastman explains the hazard of parents coaching their kids from the stands. He also shares an exercise he\'s utilized to help get his point across to both parents and players.

AAU Assistant Director of Basketball Greg Turner Reflects on 1984 NCAA Tournament
Greg Turner was a key member of the 1984 Auburn Tigers, the first team in school history to make the NCAA Tournament. He played alongside future NBA stars Charles Barkley and Chuck Person.

Tommy Amaker: "Next Play"
Tommy Amaker, a Positive Coaching Alliance National Advisory Board Member, has been Harvard\'s head basketball coach since 2007 after serving as head coach at Michigan and at Seton Hall.
February 2018

Six Reasons to Compete in AAU Events at ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex this Summer
Thousands of AAU members across the nation will descend on Orlando, Florida – home of the world-famous Mickey Mouse – for elite AAU competition at ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex this summer.

如何科学上网(自建服务器和购买服务的方法) – 陈即彪的博客:2021-9-18 · 选择你的节点,就可伍愉快的上网了 科学上网二:自己搭建服务器 这个需要有一定的Linux基础,否则你还是买VPN吧。 还是这张图: 上面的方法一,我伊的墙外可访问的服务器是共用的其它供应商的服务器。而方法二,这个墙外可访问服务器,是我伊自己独有
Walk into a gym and you’ll notice a lot of the same thing: athletes standing, sitting, or lying on their backs while they are getting their bodies ready for 2018 AAU competition. But have you ever t...

Remember When... Dwyane Wade Visited ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex
Back in 2010, Dwyane Wade joined Mickey Mouse and played a special 3-on-3 basketball game with athletes in town for the 16U AAU Girls Basketball National Championships.
January 2018

AAU Big Mountain Jam and Rocky Mountain Showcase Basketball Tournaments
SANDY, Utah (Jan. 4, 2018) - Longtime AAU event operator, Jam On It, continues to provide basketball participation opportunities to the west coast with its \'All Under One Roof\' model. Entering its...

AAU Events Earn Champions of Economic Impact in Sports Tourism Honors
Linux使用ssr[更新v2ray使用] - 渠 - channel:2021-9-20 · 使用bwg的ssr被封了好多次了,还花钱换了一次ip。是时候用v2ray了 v2ray与其他(ss,ssr)的好处,blablabla官方文档 安装 2. 首先需要一个肉鸡(买了hiformance的,一年才¥64.35),debian9加bbr加速这个神奇的东吸 3. 服务器端搭好v2ray 使用一键脚本(珍惜生命

AAU Provides Roadmap to Help Parents Navigate the Ever-Changing Youth Basketball Landscape
The Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) has rolled out an online tool to provide content and resourceful information aimed to help parents navigate their youth basketball journey, the Union announced today.
August 2017

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HOUSTON, Texas (August 30, 2017) – National staff members from the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) will return to Houston, home of the 50th annual AAU Junior Olympic Games in 2016, to bring more th...

AAU Strongly Embraces Diversity and Equality
Since its beginnings in 1888, the AAU has been the industry leader and standard-bearer in the amateur sports marketplace. Sports For All, Forever is the organization’s motto: the AAU strives to of...

Amateur Athletic Union Expresses Support for Newly Announced Youth Basketball Guidelines
ORLANDO, Florida (Oct. 18, 2016) — The Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) voted in support of the newly established NBA and USA Basketball youth basketball guidelines during the Union’s 125th AAU Nation...

Amateur Athletic Union Partners with CYBL-USA
In a strategic effort to increase youth programming in boys and girls basketball in the southeastern portion of the United States, the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) is partnering with the Competitive Y...

Lauren Carlini Crowned 87th AAU James E. Sullivan Award Winner
NEW YORK (April 11, 2017) – Wisconsin Volleyball All-American Lauren Carlini was announced as the winner of the 87th AAU James E. Sullivan Award in a ceremony at the New York Athletic Club.

AAU Big House Showcase Powered By Captain U
July 2017
Not all summer basketball is AAU
ORLANDO, Fla. (July 31, 2017) – Since 1888, theAmateur Athletic Union (AAU) has provided amateur athletic opportunities in cities throughout the United States. As the largest multi-sport organizat...

More Than 15,000 Participants Head to Detroit for 18 Sports Competitions at the AAU Junior Olympic Games Beginning Next Week
Athletes from 45 states expected to compete in largest multi-sport event in the country; 10-day competition has brought more than $50 million to previous host cities since 2010

Inaugural AAU Pacific Rim Basketball Championships
HONOLULU, Hawaii (July 3, 2017) - The inaugural AAU Pacific Rim Basketball Championships hosted by Jam On It were a success.

Preview: AAU Basketball National Championships and AAU Basketball Super Showcase
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May 2017

AAU Memorial Day Classic: The Competition Heats up in the Sunshine State
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AAU Memorial Day Classic 2017 at Disney
This upcoming weekend, AAU will host its annual AAU Memorial Day Classic at ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex.
April 2017
AAU Big House Showcase Powered By Captain U
This weekend, April 22-23, 2017 marks the inaugural kickoff event at The Big House showcasing the strategic partnership of CaptainU and AAU. CaptainU’s industry-leading online recruiting software ...
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NEW YORK (April 11, 2017) – Wisconsin Volleyball All-American Lauren Carlini was announced as the winner of the 87th AAU James E. Sullivan Award in a ceremony at the New York Athletic Club. ...
January 2017
2017 AAU Girls Basketball National Championships
2017 AAU Girls Basketball National Championships East Coast Regional Ch...
November 2016
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In a strategic effort to increase youth programming in boys and girls basketball in the southeastern portion of the United States, the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) is partnering with the Competitive Y...
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ORLANDO, Florida (Nov. 7, 2016) — The Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) Basketball National Championships for 9th-11th grade girls will tip off in Louisville, Kentucky in July 2017, the organization ann...
October 2016
Vultr搭建SSR梯子-2021年新手快速科学上网(带BBR加速 ...:
如何科学上网(自建服务器和购买服务的方法) – 陈即彪的博客:2021-9-18 · 选择你的节点,就可伍愉快的上网了 科学上网二:自己搭建服务器 这个需要有一定的Linux基础,否则你还是买VPN吧。 还是这张图: 上面的方法一,我伊的墙外可访问的服务器是共用的其它供应商的服务器。而方法二,这个墙外可访问服务器,是我伊自己独有
Amateur Athletic Union Expresses Support for Newly Announced Youth Basketball Guidelines
ORLANDO, Florida (Oct. 18, 2016) — The Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) voted in support of the newly established NBA and USA Basketball youth basketball guidelines during the Union’s 125th AAU Nati...
August 2016
Southern Pacific Girls Basketball
Southern Pacific District www.spaaubball.org Including the counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventu...
Girls Basketball Results Ranking
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June 2016
Bill Tipps left his mark on girls basketball
Vultr搭建SSR梯子-2021年新手快速科学上网(带BBR加速 ...:
May 2016
RECAP: AAU 2016 Memorial Day Classic
This past weekend, May 27-30, 2016, AAU put on another very successful Memorial Day Classic girls and boys basketball tournament at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex and other outside locations. O...
AAU Basketball Takes Over Memorial Day Weekend with Jam On It Reno leading the way
ORLANDO, Fla. (May 19, 2016) – More than 20,000 athletes from across the nation will compete in various marquee AAU Basketball events during Memorial Day Weekend, as an expected 2,400+ teams head t...
April 2016
WNBA DRAFT: Top 3 Picks and 28 out of 36 Played AAU
UNCASVILLE, Conn., April 14, 2016 – Connecticut’s and 86th AAU Sullivan Award winner Breanna Stewart, along with Moriah Jefferson and Morgan Tuck, who this year became the first NCAA basketball p...
AAU Selects Blue Star Sports as its Official Technology Partner
DALLAS, Texas (April 14, 2016) – Blue Star Sports, the leading youth sports systems integration and technology company announced its strategic partnership with America’s longest standing youth sp...
January 2016
AUOR Request for Proposal
AUOR Equipment Rental
AAU Partners with Joe Abunassar, Impact Basketball to Add Skill Development Camps to Growing Portfolio of National Youth Basketball Events
LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. (Jan. 14, 2016) – The Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) will partner with premier professional basketball trainer Joe Abunassar and Impact Basketball in March 2016 to produce a ...
December 2015
AAU All Under One Roof
AAU All Under One Roof The Amateur Athletic Union is partnering with All Under One Roof to develop new sites for a national tournament series in an effort to grow AAU membership numbers and provide ...
Girls Basketball College Coaches
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November 2015
Potomac Valley Girls Basketball
Potomac Valley District www.pvaau.org All territory within the District of Columbia, counties of Montgomery and Prince Georges in the State of Maryland, and c...
Prestigious AAU Boys Basketball Championships and Super Showcases Set to Return to ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex This Summer
LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. (Nov. 04, 2015) - The AAU Boys Basketball National Championships and Super Showcase events will return to ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex at Walt Disney World Resort in 2016,...
October 2015
Accomplished Arizona Youth Basketball Event Director to License Seven Upcoming Events with the AAU
LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. (Oct. 20, 2015) – Accomplished Arizona youth basketball event director Justin Peterson has licensed seven of his popular Just4hoopin events with the nation’s leading amat...
July 2015
Longtime AAU Girls Basketball Leader Bill Tipps Named to 2016 Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame Class
Former AAU girls’ basketball chairman and tournament director Bill Tipps earned a lot of awards and recognition throughout his life. And he continues to be recognized for his significant contributio...
AAU Basketball is in Full Swing at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex!
After three days of competitive basketball, the 2015 AAU Girls’ Basketball Super Showcases have concluded and the champions have been named! More than 100 teams made the trek to Orlando, Florida to ...
2015 AAU High School Scholarship Award Winners Announced!
This year’s AAU High School Scholarship Award grand prize winners are Nicole Carroll and Robert Bliss III. Carroll is a track & field pole vault and gymnastics athlete and Bliss is a basketball star...
June 2015
2015 NBA DRAFT: AAU Alumni Take 26 out of 30 Selections
Congratulations to the following AAU alumni selected in the 2015 NBA draft! These players dominated at the AAU District, Regional and National Championship levels. Now, they are ready to take th...
AAU Big Mountain Jam Biggest Basketball Tourney in Utah History
Salt Lake City to Host Largest Basketball Tournament in Utah History Fifth Annual AAU Big Mountain Jam at South Towne Expo Center Salt Lake City, UT June 23, 2015 – Jam On It, a member club...
AAU Partners with Ball N Prep to add ranking to Girls Basketball
AAU Announces Partnership With Ball N Prep Girls Magazine Official Ranking Company of AAU Girls Basketball Lake Buena Vista, FL June 23, 2015 – The AAU announced today it has partnered ...
RECAP: 2015 AAU Memorial Day Classic
Boys and girls from all over traded in their beach vacations or family BBQs for a chance to play basketball in the 2015 AAU Memorial Day Classic at the ESPN Wide World of Sports, Orlando Sports Center...
Jam On It AAU Celebrates Memorial Day with Basketball in Nevada
This Memorial Day weekend, what happens in Vegas doesn’t necessarily stay in Vegas! Jam On It AAU is hosting their annual AAU Basketball Memorial Day Tournament in Reno and Las Vegas, Nevada. At ...
Celebrate Memorial Day with AAU Basketball
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Paula Westfall, The Flying Queens and 131 Straight Basketball Wins
Originally posted on www.chattanoogan.com by B.B. Branton Photo credit: www.chattanooga.com Only a few seconds remained in regulation of the 1954 National AAU Women’s Basketball championship g...
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Originally posted on www.swishappeal.com by Bob Corwin With 121 teams exclusively from the State of Florida, there was plenty of action to follow at AAU's Spring Fling 2 club basketball event...
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The first event of May is complete! The AAU Spring Fling II was a total success and we have 22 new AAU Champions over Mother’s Day weekend. The event kicked off Friday evening and ended two days lat...
Coach Boasts about his team consisting of AAU alumni
Check out what this proud coach has to say about his phenomenal team! All of the players listed are AAU Alumni! Last weekend, my STARZ 3x3 U18 Team that I put together with 2 of my top players and ...
The 2nd portion of the AAU Spring Fling is HERE!
The first tournament of May is almost here! The AAU Girls Basketball Spring Fling II is guaranteed to be a great time! This tournament will begin on Friday, May 8th and last until Sunday, May 10th, w...
Reno-Sparks Convention Center to host AAU events through 2023
Lake Buena Vista, May 5, 2015 – Jam On It, a member club of the AAU, and the Reno-Sparks Convention and Visitors Authority (RSCVA) announced an agreement to host AAU events at the Reno-Sparks Conve...
April 2015
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Lake Buena Vista, April 29, 2015 – Jam On It, a member club of the AAU, and the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA) have inked a deal to hold several AAU events at the Las Vegas C...
AAU to Help Elevate Basketball Circuit Teams
Lake Buena Vista, April 22, 2015 – AAU President/CEO Dr. Roger Goudy and AAU Basketball Chairs Matt Williams & Boo Williams announce the AAU is offering FREE entry into select AAU tournaments to t...
Terrible Disease Can’t Keep this Fighter Down
Jeff Fogel is an inspiration to many, but to him, he’s just doing what he loves – coaching basketball. Fogel was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), or Lou Gehrig’s disease, ab...
RECAP: 2015 AAU Spring Fling I
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McDonald’s All-American Games Riddled with AAU Alumni
Last week, the top 48 high school basketball players in the country competed in the 2015 McDonald’s All-American Games. Nationally, 823 players from 47 different states and the District of Columbi...
Spring has Sprung! Join Us at the AAU Spring Fling
Spring has sprung, which mean the 2015 AAU Spring Fling I is HERE! This event is always a great time because it kicks off the AAU Basketball season for the ladies! We will have 111 teams, most of them...
Final Four Teams are Full of AAU Alumni
Men In the men’s final four of the March Madness tournament, 42 of the 59 players (71%) on all four rosters played AAU sometime in their basketball careers. Michigan State has the highest number ...
March 2015
Long Time AAU Volunteer Passes
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Orlando, FL – March 18, 2015 – Several respected NBA players and owners have highlighted an urgent need to increase the level of player development while decreasing the amount of competitive g...
National spotlight shines on Hampton
Originally posted on www.dailypress.com by Robert Brauchle The earth was still rotating last week, but for a brief spell the world was spinning around Hampton University's college basketball m...
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BOWLING GREEN, KY (March 18, 2015) Spalding and the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) announced today a multi-year partnership in which the premier sporting goods provider and largest basketball equipmen...
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Originally posted on pittnews.com by Jasper Wilson Brianna Kiesel couldn’t make a shot. She couldn’t even come close. The starting point guard of the Pitt women’s basketball team, who ...
My AAU Story: AAU Girls’ Basketball-The Jenna Curry Story
She traded a jersey and shoes for a clipboard and a whistle. Jenna Curry’s sports career was going right on track as she blossomed in two sports in high school. Playing for Sissonville High Sch...
There’s nothing small-town about Megan Gustafson’s game
Originally posted on Prep Zone Wisconsin by Dave Lubach Megan Gustafson was too young to remember many of the details of South Shore High School legend Jolene Anderson's memorable WIAA state to...
Naismith Trophy Boy’s and Girl’s High School All-America Teams Announced
UPDATE: The Naismith Trophy Boy’s and Girl’s High School All-America Teams, presented by Hilton Worldwide, were announced today! CLICK HERE for the Boys' High School All-America Team...
Dru Joyce Named AAU Lake Erie Basketball Director
Cleveland, Ohio – Dru Joyce II, St. Vincent St. Mary's Men's Basketball Head Coach and founder of the Northeast Ohio Basketball Association & King James Shooting Stars, has been named t...
NEW YORK, Feb. 25, 2015 – WNBA Draft 2015 presented by State Farm will be held on Thursday, April 16, at Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn. ESPN2 will provide coverage and analysis of the fir...
December 2014
Girls Basketball Results Club Power Ranking
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Girls Basketball Results 2013 AAU BASKETBALL RESULTS
Girls Basketball Teams Qualified From Super Regional
Girls Basketball Teams Qualified From Super Regional
Welcome AAU members! Knowledge is power and we want our membership to have access to all the current and interactive resources available to assist parents, coaches and prospective student-athlete...